Our Teammates
Over the past sixteen years 63Games has contributed over $13,000 to our TEAMMATES. Our Teammate's, first and foremost, have had spirit and a passion for their challenge. We never have to go far from our roll's to find a participant who is taking on a challenge themselves or is working with others who are. It's a great pleasure to help our small community of basketball followers. On behalf of our TEAMMATES we thank everyone who has participated over the years
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
In 2023 63Games sponsored 20 children for a full year of the program. Thanks to the connection by Bobby Gandu (Veteran of 63Games) United Way will be working to match our gift and increase it to 40. Its a great opportunity to help children in the program and give them the lifetime gift of literacy.
Imagine a world where children develop a love of reading before they even start school.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library does that for children in the Wichita area with the help of donors to United Way of the Plains. The program sends children from birth to five years old a new age-appropriate book, free of charge in the mail every month. To prevent our children from failing to read on-grade level, these free books are essential.
Local enrollments depend on local donations. Every $25 gift sponsors one child for a full year in the program.
Help us double the impact of this generous donation by contributing a personal gift here: https://fundraise.givesmart.com/form/wFe8Zg?vid=xr4ba
Rainbows United Connecting Point
The professionals at Connecting Point provide information and referrals for young children, answer questions and share schedules for monthly developmental screening clinics. A wealth of information awaits you through Connecting Point.
A project of Sedgwick County Early Childhood Coordinating Council.
Mission: Children and Families are Connected to Community Resources
Our Vision: Bringing out the best in all young children!
The SCECCC has an efficient structure and reflects the diversity of the community through continuous Council Development
Parents and Community Partners speak with a collective Voice to improve the quality of early childhood services
Screen for Success is a way of getting information on the growth and development of children. The child’s hearing, speech/language, vision, health/nutrition, behavior and overall development will be checked by a professional that is knowledgeable in early childhood.
Owen's Warrior Journey
During pregnancy with their fourth boy, Greg and Deanna were referred to a high-risk OBGYN for anomalies found on several sonograms. At 34 weeks gestation, a fetal MRI was performed. The doctors couldn’t provide clarity on what was wrong. They were told that the baby was small and his bone density was low; he wasn’t moving well, his arms weren’t moving at all, he had a massively enlarged kidney, there were concerns about his heart... The doctor also gave them many pages of conditions that “could possibly” explain these issues. There was no way to confirm his condition until the birth but there were signs that Owen would have severe disabilities and it was unclear if he would survive long after birth.
On November 12, 2018, Owen Bud Williams was born in Wichita, KS. Miraculously, he had a strong heartbeat and was breathing on his own!! PRAISE THE LORD! Of course, there were still many unknowns of his condition. Numerous doctors came to look him over. He was given a clinical diagnosis of Amyoplasia but this had to be confirmed by genetic testing results- which takes months. Owen had limited movement in his arms and legs, he had a dislocated hip and contractures in his elbows, wrists, knees and feet. He had a blocked kidney. By the end of his first month, Owen had undergone his first of many castings, and many hours of physical therapy. The genetic testing results came in mid-January and confirmed the diagnosis of Amyoplasia. Amyoplasia is a diagnosis that is part of a broader condition called Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC). Amyoplasia is a condition of the joints, being stiff or curved.
Greg and Deanna are seeking specialists in hopes that Owen’s quality of life will be significantly improved. Unfortunately, since his condition is so rare, there are not specialists close to home but instead halfway across the country. There are several specialists being considered from Pennsylvania, Florida, and Washington, among others. These appointments would require Deanna to be away from her family for weeks, maybe even months at a time.
The treatment costs alone are very expensive. Then add in the cost of traveling and meals plus childcare for their other children on top of regular day to day costs— it’s becoming overwhelming. By participating in this event, you will help the Williams Family have one less thing to worry about while dealing with the mentally and emotionally exhausting struggle of trying to figure out the best path for Owen.
A CaringBridge Site was created for Owen. It‘s a caring social network to help people stay connected with family and friends during a health event. Visit Owen‘s site often to stay updated and share messages of encouragement and compassion. Caring Bridge
Zach's Wishes for Miracles
Zach's Wishes, named in honor Zachary Mesch, is a organization that is providing experiences to young adults between the ages of 18 and 23. Experiences granted provide once in a lifetime opportunities to those who are battling life threatening diseases and illnesses. Over the years 63Games has helped fund multiple experiences. To learn more visit: www.zw4m.org
National Military Family Association
In 1969, our Association was founded by a handful of military wives who wanted to make sure their widowed friends were properly taken care of. Two short years later, the Survivor Benefit Plan became law, and the Association has been hard at work ever since. A small, but determined, group of spouses around a kitchen table has expanded into a strong force of military families representing all ranks and Services. Today, our team is comprised mainly of military spouses and former military members. We walk the walk and talk the talk on a daily basis. We are advocates and subject matter experts in the area of military family needs, issues, and benefits. For more than 45 years, we’ve continued the mission of those military wives, dedicating our efforts to making sure all military families feel empowered, resilient, and taken care of. Mary Lynn Stevens, currently the Vice Chairman for the National Military Family Association, has been a long time 63games participant. This year we are supporting her organization and her unwavering support for our military soldiers and their families. Thank you Mary for the work you have done.

Blasi Mae
Blaisi Mae Adams was born on March 10th, 2011. She was born with Down Syndrome and has many health issues as a result. When Blaisi was 8 months old she had to have open heart surgery to repair a hole in her heart. The doctors told us to expect to be in the hospital for 2 weeks but Blaisi had plans of her own. After six days we were released from the hospital and all things looking great. One of the doctors said “Blaisi, you are quite the ROCKSTAR.” She has been our little Rockstar ever since. On April 1st, 2014 Blaisi was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This news hit us hard and it just didn’t seem fair to our little girl who has already been through so much. We prepared for this fight against cancer, but I’m not sure anyone can be ready for what this disease can do to your child. The first 6 months she had weekly chemotherapy treatments along with spinal lumbar chemo. She was very sick from the chemo and lost so much weight. Her body wasn’t able to fight off infections resulting in spending over 70 days in the hospital to date (Xmas) At one point she was in ICU for two weeks, sedated and on a ventilator to fight off a flu virus. She has had to have many blood and platelet transfusions and will have monthly chemo treatments for the next two years. She is still having a hard time fight off infections and common colds. To date, she has had 5 surgeries to replace her Hickman port.
Through it all, Blaisi continues to be an inspiration to so many. Even on the toughest of days she can manage a smile and let us know that she will never give up. We still have a long road ahead of us to recover but we know that we will beat this horrible disease. After all she is a Rockstar.
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to be apart of this amazing group. Funds received will go to the Blaisi Mae Adams Fight Against Leukemia fund to help offset all her medical bills. If you would like, you can follow her journey on her facebook page, Blaisi Mae “Rock-Star”

Sicily's Run

Sicily Zeka was diagnosed with bi-lateral Wilms Tumor in August 2008 at the age of 3. After a courageous 19-month battle she went to heaven on March 21, 2010, just shy of her 5th birthday. Sicily was a beautiful, fun, vibrant and outgoing little girl who touched many lives in her short life. She was active, loving any kind of sport with a ball, and riding her bike and scooter made her happy! She also loved running, thus the Sicily Zeka Memorial Scholarship Run held annually in Wellington, KS, is a fitting tribute to her. Sicily left behind her loving parents Patrick and Kerry, two brothers, Corinthian and Elias, and sister Isabella. Also her grandparents and many aunts and uncles and cousins. She is missed by all, but definitely not forgotten. During one of Sicily’s many chemo treatments she declared that she wanted to be a chemo nurse! She was such a good patient even though she was only 3-4 years old, and respected nurses and doctors and let them do their jobs. Since Sicily loved to run, the idea of a memorial run was easily decided, and the scholarship idea followed.
In memory of Sicily, each year until Sicily would have graduated from high school in 2023, a graduating Wellington High School senior who exemplifies the most important qualities found in the leaders and caregivers in the medical field and research labs around the world, will be awarded a scholarship to support his or her first steps towards a career in medicine.
Adam Mott

Braden Wilson

Braden Wilson has overcome many battles with his mitochondrial disorder, known as Leigh’s Disease (non-genetic). His journey is an inspiration to many us all. He is loved by his parents Kodi and Brad and followed by many. Braden is nearing his seventh birthday this April.
Nathan Forest Scholarship
2008 - 2011

In 2011 a three year effort to endow a scholarship at Wichita State University in Nathan Forrest’s name reached it’s goal. The scholarship, due in part to many generous donations, was endowed. Whereas we played a small part, it will still that extra effort to help push the effort across the finish line. His story and gift will continue on for many years to come.</span></h4>
Melissa Traffas